

国で選ぶ アメリカ

reviews (4.8)


Murray State University

English as a Second Language
ディスカウント 3Dビュー ピクチャー お問い合わせ

School Info


  • 定員(在学生数)
  • 100人
  • 空港ピックアップ
  • あり
  • 連絡番号
  • (800) 272-4678
  • Fax
  • 所在地
  • 102 Curris Center, Murray, Kentucky 42071


  • 校外
  • キャンパス内寮/宿泊
  • キャンパス外宿泊施設
  • 大学プログラム
  • 条件付き大学入学可能


  • - 米国ケンタッキー州マレーに位置
    - 90年以上の高等教育経験を持つ、1922年に設立された完全認定の機関。 すべての学位は、世界中の企業及び組織に認められています。
    - アメリカ、その他60カ国からの約11,000人の学生
    - 学士、修士および博士レベルの約245のプログラム
    - 生徒15人に対して教師1人

 English as a Second Language について

  • Murray State UniversityのESLプログラムは、すべてのスキルと知識分野(語学、聴解、筆記、読解、文法)における語学力を重視し、アメリカ文化の概要を学生に提供します。ESLカリキュラムに関する情報は、 カラム。 学生の大半はは自宅で中等教育を修了し、大学入学を準備しています。ESLクラスはおよそ15人体制で、生徒の成功に適した環境で教師から直接的な指導も受けることが出来ます。


  • ビジネスや心理学からコンピュータ情報システム、エンジニアリングまで、245以上の学術プログラムを選択することができます。 すべての学位は世界中の雇用主、大学、組織によって認められているため、高等教育の真の価値は、高等教育の完全認定機関であるMurray州にあります。 Murray State Universityは、Forbes、U.S.News、World Reportなどの出版物を通じてトップクラスの大学として一貫して優秀賞を受賞しています。


  • 条件付き入学

Course information

  • Associate of Science - Career and Technical Education

    Associate of Arts - Business Administration

    Associate of Science - Agricultural Science and Technology


授業 期間 52 Weeks 宿泊オプション キャンパス内寮/宿泊, キャンパス外宿泊施設


  • Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 60.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 71
    Min IELTS overall: 6
    Min Duolingo English Test Score: 100
    Min PTE overall: 45
    For conditional admission, instead of submitting language proficiency test scores, applicant may complete English courses prior to the academic program. The length of the English course is determined based on the applicant's level of English proficiency.


2026-01-12 2025-08-25
※ 次の開始日に合わせて 52週(月)期間を指定することができます。



学校登錄費 (USD)$ 75
学 費
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(USD)$ 13,920
Week Week Week Week Week


日程 ホームステイ キャンパス内寮/宿泊 キャンパス外宿泊施設




  • *日程と料金は予告無しに改定される場合があります。予めご了承下さい。

Course information

  • Bachelor of Science - Art - Teaching Certification

    Bachelor of Arts - Career and Technical Education - Business and Marketing Education

    Bachelor of Arts - Business - Business Administration

    Bachelor of Science - Business - Business Administration - International Business

    Bachelor of Arts - Business - Business Administration - International Business

    Bachelor of Science - Chemistry - Biochemistry

    Bachelor of Science - Chemistry - Forensics

    Bachelor of Arts - Chemistry - Polymer and Materials Science

    Bachelor of Science - Chemistry - Polymer and Materials Science

    Bachelor of Science - Chemistry - Pre-Dental

    Bachelor of Science - Chemistry - Pre-Medical

    Bachelor of Science - Chemistry - Pre-Pharmacy

    Bachelor of Science - Chemistry - Secondary Certification

    Bachelor of Science - Civil Engineering Technology - Surveying Engineering Technology

    Bachelor of Arts - Communication Disorders

    Bachelor of Arts - Business - Computer Information Systems

    Bachelor of Arts - Computer Science

    Bachelor of Science - English - Creative Writing

    Bachelor of Science - Criminal Justice

    Bachelor of Science - Economics

    Bachelor of Arts - Economics - Social Studies Certification

    Bachelor of Science - Economics - Social Studies Certification

    Bachelor of Science - Elementary Education

    Bachelor of Arts - Business - Management - Entrepreneurship

    Bachelor of Science - Exercise Science - Pre-Health Professional

    Bachelor of Arts - Business - Finance

    Bachelor of Science - Business - Finance - Financial Planning

    Bachelor of Arts - Business - Finance - Financial Planning

    Bachelor of Science - Business - Finance - Commercial Banking

    Bachelor of Arts - Business - Finance - Commercial Banking

    Bachelor of Science - Learning and Behavior Disorders - Elementary

    Bachelor of Science - Learning and Behavior Disorders - Middle

    Bachelor of Arts - Health and Physical Education

    Bachelor of Science - Health and Physical Education - Non-Certification

    Bachelor of Arts - Health and Physical Education - Non-Certification

    Bachelor of Science - History

    Bachelor of Arts - History - Social Studies Certification

    Bachelor of Science - History - Social Studies Certification

    Bachelor of Arts - Business - Management - Human Resource Management

    Bachelor of Arts - Global Language - Japanese - Teaching Certification

    Bachelor of Arts - Global Language - Japanese - Translation and Interpretation

    Bachelor of Science - Journalism

    Bachelor of Science - Liberal Arts

    Bachelor of Arts - Business - Management

    Bachelor of Arts - Business - Marketing

    Bachelor of Science - Business - Marketing - Entrepreneurship

    Bachelor of Arts - Business - Marketing - Entrepreneurship

    Bachelor of Arts - Middle School Education

    Bachelor of Science - Music - Keyboard Studies

    Bachelor of Science - Music - Music Business

    Bachelor of Music - Music Education - Instrumental

    Bachelor of Music - Music Education - Vocal

    Bachelor of Arts - Music

    Bachelor of Science - Business - Accounting

    Bachelor of Science - Music

    Bachelor of Music - Music - Composition

    Bachelor of Arts - Nonprofit Leadership Studies - Nonprofit Management

    Bachelor of Science - Nonprofit Leadership Studies - Nonprofit Management

    Bachelor of Arts - Nonprofit Leadership Studies - Outdoor Recreation

    Bachelor of Science - Nonprofit Leadership Studies - Outdoor Recreation

    Bachelor of Science - Organizational Communication

    Bachelor of Science - English - Philosophy

    Bachelor of Science - Physics - Secondary Certification

    Bachelor of Science - Political Science

    Bachelor of Arts - Political Science - Pre-Professional Legal Studies

    Bachelor of Arts - Political Science - Social Studies Certification

    Bachelor of Science - Political Science - Social Studies Certification

    Bachelor of Science - Biology - Pre-Physician Assistant

    Bachelor of Science - Biology - Secondary Certification

    Bachelor of Science - Television Production

    Bachelor of Science - Psychology

    Bachelor of Arts - Public Relations

    Bachelor of Science - Sociology

    Bachelor of Arts - Global Language - Spanish - Teaching Certification

    Bachelor of Arts - Global Language - Spanish - Translation and Interpretation

    Bachelor of Science - Theatre

    Bachelor of Arts - Theatre - Film

    Bachelor of Science - Theatre - Film

    Bachelor of Arts - Theatre - Musical Theatre

    Bachelor of Science - Theatre - Musical Theatre

    Bachelor of Arts - Theatre - Stage

    Bachelor of Science - Theatre - Stage

    Bachelor of Science - Wildlife and Conservation Biology - Conservation Biology

    Bachelor of Science - Wildlife and Conservation Biology - Conservation Education and Interpretation

    Bachelor of Science - Wildlife and Conservation Biology - Conservation Law Enforcement

    Bachelor of Science - Wildlife and Conservation Biology - Wildlife Biology

    Bachelor of Science - Wildlife and Conservation Biology - Zoological Conservation

    Bachelor of Science - Earth and Environmental Science - Archaeology

    Bachelor of Science - Earth and Environmental Science - Earth Science Secondary Certification

    Bachelor of Science - Earth and Environmental Science - Environmental Science

    Bachelor of Science - Earth and Environmental Science - Geology

    Bachelor of Science - Earth and Environmental Science - Geography and GIS

    Bachelor of Arts - English - Literature

    Bachelor of Science - Business - Logistics and Supply Chain Management

    Bachelor of Arts - Business - Logistics and Supply Chain Management

    Bachelor of Science - Advertising

    Bachelor of Science - Agriculture - Agribusiness Economics

    Bachelor of Science - Agriculture - Agricultural Education

    Bachelor of Science - Agriculture - Agricultural Systems Technology

    Bachelor of Science - Agricultural Science

    Bachelor of Science - Agriculture - Agriscience Technology

    Bachelor of Science - Agriculture - Agronomy

    Bachelor of Science - Agriculture - Animal Technology - Animal/Equine Science

    Bachelor of Science - Agriculture - Horticulture

    Bachelor of Science - Agriculture - Animal Technology - Pre-Veterinary Medicine

    Bachelor of Science - Agriculture - Animal Technology - Veterinary Technology

    Bachelor of Science - Mathematics

    Bachelor of Science - Applied Physics

    Bachelor of Science - Civil Engineering Technology - Architectural Engineering Technology

    Bachelor of Arts - Studio Art

    Bachelor of Science - Biology

    Bachelor of Science - Biology - Biomedical Sciences

    Bachelor of Science - Career and Technical Education - Business and Marketing Education

    Bachelor of Science - Business - Business Administration

    Bachelor of Science - Chemistry

    Bachelor of Science - Civil Engineering Technology

    Bachelor of Science - Communication Disorders

    Bachelor of Science - Business - Computer Information Systems

    Bachelor of Science - Computer Science

    Bachelor of Science - Civil Engineering Technology - Construction Engineering Technology

    Bachelor of Arts - English - Creative Writing

    Bachelor of Arts - Criminal Justice

    Bachelor of Arts - Economics

    Bachelor of Arts - Elementary Education

    Bachelor of Science - Electromechanical Engineering Technology

    Bachelor of Science - Graphic Communications Media

    Bachelor of Science - Engineering Graphics and Design

    Bachelor of Science - Engineering - Engineering Physics

    Bachelor of Arts - English Education - Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

    Bachelor of Science - Business - Management - Entrepreneurship

    Bachelor of Science - Civil Engineering Technology - Environmental Engineering Technology

    Bachelor of Science - Exercise Science - Exercise Physiology

    Bachelor of Science - Career and Technical Education - Family and Consumer Sciences Education

    Bachelor of Science - Business - Finance

    Bachelor of Science - Biology - Fisheries/Aquatic Biology

    Bachelor of Science - Health and Physical Education

    Bachelor of Arts - History

    Bachelor of Science - Business - Management - Human Resource Management

    Bachelor of Science - Career and Technical Education - Industrial Education

    Bachelor of Science - Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education

    Bachelor of Arts - International Studies

    Bachelor of Arts - Global Languages - Japanese

    Bachelor of Arts - Journalism

    Bachelor of Arts - Liberal Arts

    Bachelor of Science - Business - Management

    Bachelor of Science - Manufacturing Engineering Technology

    Bachelor of Science - Business - Marketing

    Bachelor of Science - Middle School Education

    Bachelor of Arts - Music - Keyboard Studies

    Bachelor of Arts - Music - Music Business

    Bachelor of Music - Music - Performance

    Bachelor of Science - Nutrition, Dietetics, and Food Management - Nutrition and Foods Management

    Bachelor of Science - Nursing

    Bachelor of Science - Occupational Safety and Health

    Bachelor of Arts - Organizational Communication

    Bachelor of Arts - English - Philosophy

    Bachelor of Science - Physics

    Bachelor of Arts - Political Science

    Bachelor of Science - Biology - Pre-Medical

    Bachelor of Science - Biology - Pre-Dentistry

    Bachelor of Science - Political Science - Pre-Professional Legal Studies

    Bachelor of Science - Biology - Pre-Optometry

    Bachelor of Science - Biology - Pre-Pharmacy

    Bachelor of Science - Biology - Pre-Physical Therapy

    Bachelor of Arts - Television Production

    Bachelor of Arts - Business - Accounting

    Bachelor of Arts - Psychology

    Bachelor of Science - Business - Accounting - Finance

    Bachelor of Science - Public and Community Health

    Bachelor of Arts - Business - Accounting - Finance

    Bachelor of Science - Public Relations

    Bachelor of Science - Business - Accounting - Financial Planning

    Bachelor of Arts - Business - Accounting - Financial Planning

    Bachelor of Social Work - Social Work

    Bachelor of Science - Business - Accounting - Information Systems

    Bachelor of Arts - Business - Accounting - Information Systems

    Bachelor of Arts - Sociology

    Bachelor of Arts - Advertising

    Bachelor of Arts - Global Language - Spanish

    Bachelor of Arts - Agricultural Science

    Bachelor of Science - Career and Technical Education - Engineering and Technology Education

    Bachelor of Arts - Mathematics - Applied Mathematics

    Bachelor of Science - Telecommunications Systems Management

    Bachelor of Science - Mathematics - Applied Mathematics

    Bachelor of Arts - Theatre

    Bachelor of Science - Mathematics - Pre-MBA

    Bachelor of Science - Mathematics - Secondary Certification

    Bachelor of Science - Applied Physics - Pre-MBA

    Bachelor of Science - Studio Art

    Bachelor of Arts - Studio Art - Enhanced Art History

    Bachelor of Arts - Art - Teaching Certification


授業 期間 52 Weeks 宿泊オプション キャンパス内寮/宿泊, キャンパス外宿泊施設


  • Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 60.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 71
    Min IELTS overall: 6
    Min Duolingo English Test Score: 100
    Min PTE overall: 53
    For conditional admission, instead of submitting language proficiency test scores, applicant may complete English courses prior to the academic program. The length of the English course is determined based on the applicant's level of English proficiency.


2026-01-12 2025-08-25
※ 次の開始日に合わせて 52週(月)期間を指定することができます。



学校登錄費 (USD)$ 75
学 費
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(USD)$ 13,920
Week Week Week Week Week


日程 ホームステイ キャンパス内寮/宿泊 キャンパス外宿泊施設




  • *日程と料金は予告無しに改定される場合があります。予めご了承下さい。

Course information

  • Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Accounting

    Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Business Analytics

    Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Economic Development

    Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Finance

    Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Global Communications

    Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Human Resource Management

    Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Marketing

    Master of Arts - English - Literature

    Master of Arts - English - Writing Studies

    Master of Science - Earth and Environmental Sciences - Environmental Geology

    Master of Science - Earth and Environmental Sciences - Geoinformatics

    Master of Science - Earth and Environmental Sciences - Watershed Science

    Master of Science - Information Systems - Business Analytics

    Master of Science - Information Systems - Information Security

    Master of Science - Mass Communications

    Master of Arts - Mass Communications - Public Relations

    Master of Science - Mass Communications - Public Relations

    Master of Arts - Mathematics

    Master of Science - Organizational Communication

    Master of Science - Clinical Psychology

    Master of Science - General Experimental Psychology

    Masters of Public Administration - Economic Development

    Masters of Public Administration - Health Administration

    Masters of Public Administration - Non-Profit Leadership Studies

    Masters of Public Administration - Public and Community Health

    Master of Science - Engineering Management

    Master of Science - Agriculture

    Master of Science - Biology

    Master of Business Administration (MBA)

    Master of Science - Chemistry

    Master of Science - Economics - Finance

    Master of Science - Economic Development

    Master of Arts in Education - Elementary Teacher Leader

    Master of Arts - English

    Master of Science - Earth and Environmental Sciences

    Master of Arts - History

    Master of Science - Human Development and Leadership

    Master of Science - Information Systems

    Master of Arts - Mass Communications

    Master of Science - Mathematics

    Master of Arts Education - Middle School Teacher Leader

    Master of Music Education

    Master of Science - Occupational Safety and Health

    Master of Arts - Organizational Communication

    Master of Arts - Clinical Psychology

    Master of Arts - General Experimental Psychology

    Masters of Public Administration

    Master of Arts - Education - School Counseling

    Master of Arts - Education - Secondary Teacher Leader

    Master of Arts - Education - Special Education Teacher Leader - Learning and Behavior Disorders

    Master of Science - Speech-Language Pathology

    Master of Science - Sustainability Science

    Master of Arts - Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

    Master of Science - Telecommunications Systems Management

    Master of Science - Biology - Watershed Science


授業 期間 52 Weeks 宿泊オプション キャンパス内寮/宿泊, キャンパス外宿泊施設


  • Minimum Level of Education Required: 4-Year Bachelor's Degree
    Min GPA: 70.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 71 (Min Reading: 20.0, Min Writing: 20.0, Min Listening: 20.0, Min Speaking: 20.0)
    Min IELTS overall: 6 (Min Reading: 6.0, Min Writing: 6.0, Min Listening: 6.0, Min Speaking: 6.0)
    Min Duolingo English Test Score: 100
    Min PTE overall: 45
    For conditional admission, instead of submitting language proficiency test scores, applicant may complete English courses prior to the academic program. The length of the English course is determined based on the applicant's level of English proficiency.
    Other test requirements: Either of GRE or GMAT Tests required
    Min GRE requirement: (Min Verbal & Quantitative combined: 286.0)
    Min GMAT requirement Min Total: 400.0 [50 %]


2026-01-12 2025-08-25
※ 次の開始日に合わせて 52週(月)期間を指定することができます。



学校登錄費 (USD)$ 75
学 費
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(USD)$ 14,400
Week Week Week Week Week


日程 ホームステイ キャンパス内寮/宿泊 キャンパス外宿泊施設




  • *日程と料金は予告無しに改定される場合があります。予めご了承下さい。

位 置


  • 住宅オフィス
    キャンパス生活の中で、最高の思い出を作ることが出来ます。 Murray Stateの9つの居住用ホール - フットボール場2つ分の大きさを誇る新しいHollis C. Franklinホールを含む - 共通エリア、オンサイトゲーム、無料のランドリー施設などの特典を提供しています。 ロイ・スチュワート・スタジアムで学業の建物、ウィンズロー・ダイニング・ホール、ウェルネス・センター、フットボール・ゲームから徒歩ですぐです。http://www.murraystate.edu/campus/housing/


  • フレンドリーで歓迎
    MurrayはRand McNallyとUSA Todayによると、「アメリカでもっとも親しみやすい小さな町」として認められています。


    Murray State Universityキャンパスには徒歩圏内に多くのショップ、スーパーマーケット、レストランがあります。




  • 学生団体


    屋内スイミングプール、トラック、バスケットボールコート、ダンスコース、エクササイズ機器を備えたSusan A. Bauernfeind Recreation Centerで運動して活発にお過ごしください。また、サッカー、バスケットボール、バレーボール、テニス、ウォーターポー、クリケットなどの様々な団体スポーツチームに参加する。


    2,500席のLovettオーディトリアムでは、劇場の制作、ミュージカル、コンサートをキャンパスで観ることができます。 Cinema Internationalでは、世界各地の映画を毎週上映する国際映画鑑賞も可能です。

    マレー州立大学は、NCAA Division Iスポーツにおける長い伝統を持っています。

    有名人による講義に参加する。以前の講演者にはDesmond Tutu大司教、Martin Luther King III、Spike Leeが含まれていました。


  • ESLプログラムの学生を含む新しい留学生は、シャトルのサービス期間内にテネシー州ナッシュビル国際空港に到着する予定です。

    ナッシュビル空港はケンタッキー州マレーの近くで最大の空港ですが、マレーへは車で2時間の距離なので、空港からマレー州立大学へのシャトルサービスを提供しています。空港送迎には75ドルの料金が課されます。料金は授業料と料金と一緒に請求されます。 (到着予定時刻の少なくとも4時間前にキャンセルしない限り、空港送迎料金は返金されません)。

    シャトルの日付以外の日付(上記参照)で空港でのピックアップが必要な場合は、$ 125です。




    運行時間が異なる多くの学生がシャトルで運航されますのでご注意ください。このため、シャトルは8月、10月、3月、6月のシャトル期間中、毎日午後5時にマレーのナッシュビルから出発します。しかし、1月には、シャーリーが4:00 pmにマレーのナッシュビルから出発します。あなたのフライトがナッシュビルからのシャトル発車時間の後にナッシュビルに到着した場合は、ナッシュビルに一晩滞在し、翌日に引き取る必要があります。


Image 2018-11-06 16:50:37


Q: 想請問關於學校相關活動的問題,可以介紹一下學校活動嗎? A: 您好,感謝您的來訊息詢問,關於學校活動以下為您做個介紹。 學生組織 國際學生通過參與校園內150個學生組織中的任何一個來獲得領導能力。 傳統在年度全校校歌比賽中展示您的聲樂天賦,並在國際集市上展示您所在國家的精華。參加回家活動期間的活動 - 主街遊行,帳篷城和足球比賽。 娛樂 通過在Susan A. Bauernfeind娛樂中心鍛煉,保持活躍,其中包括室內游泳池,跑道,籃球場,舞蹈課程和健身器材。參加足球,籃球,排球,網球,水球,板球等各種校內運動隊。 生活學習社區 參與住宿學院系統,通過與同學和教職員參與廣泛的文化和智力活動來提升您的大學體驗。 表演 在2500個座位的Lovett禮堂裡,觀看校園裡的戲劇作品,音樂劇和音樂會。您也可以在Cinema International期間觀看國際電影,每週對世界各地的電影進行放映。 體育 默里州立大學在15個NCAA一級運動項目中擁有悠久的校風和激動人心的比賽傳統。 訪問演講者 出席重要人士的講座。前面的發言人包括德斯蒙德·圖圖大主教,馬丁·路德·金三世和斯派克·李。


1 学校評価 0件
  • 授業の質

  • 評価 (5)
  • 学校の雰囲気

  • 評価 (5)
  • スタッフの親切度

  • 評価 (5)
  • 野外活動

  • 評価 (4)
  • 宿泊施設

  • 評価 (5)

  • Review (4.8)

  • 授業の質

  • 評価 (5)
  • 学校の雰囲気

  • 評価 (5)
  • スタッフの親切度

  • 評価 (5)
  • 野外活動

  • 評価 (4)
  • 宿泊施設

  • 評価 (5)

  • 評価 (4.8)

Image 2018-11-06 16:56:15



因為去附近旅行都很方便很近,因此常常與其他同學一起去旅行~~ 有很多很美好得回憶^^

Like 1466 I LIke