

国で選ぶ アメリカ

reviews (4.8)


University of South Carolina (USC)

English Programs for Internationals (EPI)
3Dビュー パンフレット ピクチャー お問い合わせ

School Info


  • 定員(在学生数)
  • 130-150人
  • 空港ピックアップ
  • Yes
  • 連絡番号
  • +1 803-777-3867
  • Fax
  • +1 803-777-6839
  • 所在地
  • 901 Sumter Street, 207 Byrnes Building Columbia , SC , 29208


  • 都市部
  • キャンパス内寮/宿泊
  • キャンパス外宿泊施設
  • 大学プログラム
  • 条件付き大学入学可能


  • - コロンビアは、サダンハスピタリティー(南部特有の暖かいもてなし、親切な心)と暖かい気候でよく知られた安全で親切な都市です。
    - アメリカの教育部が公認する英語の教育プログラムの認可委員会(CEA)の公認を得た国際学生英語教育院(EPI)は専門の講師、英語の技術の使用、そしてプログラムの全ての面で最も高いレベルを維持しているとことが特徴です。
    - 大学生の条件付きの入学は言語又は、学業の条件に合った学生のために全ての分野の勉強に考慮されます。

 English Programs for Internationals (EPI) について

  • サウスカロライナ大学の外国人のための英語プログラムは、経歴のある講師と個人に合わせられたサービスが提供される、優秀なESL教育です。コロンビアは、(南部特有の暖かいもてなし、親切な心)と暖かい気候でよく知られた安全で親切な都市です。 外国人のためのサウスカロライナ大学の国際学生英語教育院(EPI)の任務は、目標が学究的、専門的、個人的である留学生に質の高い英語を教え指導、評価、教育資料で大学から要求する英語の能力を満たすことです。そうすることによって、上位の学生を募集するための大学の地位が高くなります。コロンビアのサウスカロライナから、学生は学校環境の以外に静かな自然の美しさを感じることができます。サウスカロライナは機会と学校の資源、活動を学生に均等に提供することで、国家的に、国際的の知名度を上げることを望んでいます。


  • USC、SC、サウスカロライナ、もしくは、簡単にカロライナとも呼ばれるサウスカロライナ大学は、7つの周辺の衛星キャンパスと一緒にアメリカサウスカロライナ州のコロンビアに男女共学の公立研究大学です。歴史的なキャンパスはサウスカロライナ州議会議事堂から遠くないコロンビアの都心から359エーカー(145ヘクタール)を占めています。大学は、カーネギー財団から学校の研究と業務の承認を受け、最も期待されて画期的なものとしてU.S. News&World Report誌の選定10位になりました。そして数十年間一流は学部生、大学院国際ビジネスプログラムで毎年認められました。また、スコットランド外で最大規模のロバートバーンズとスコットランドの文学資料、それから世界最大規模のアーネストヘミングウェイのコレクションを所蔵しています。1801年にサウスカロライナカレッジとして設立されたサウスカロライナ大学(USC)はサウスカロライナ大学システムの代表的な機関で、学位授与大学と学校から学士、修士、博士学位につながる350個以上の学科過程を提供します。サウスカロライナ大学のシステムの在学生の数は、2012年の秋にコロンビアキャンパスの31,288人を含むおよそ46,264人です。サウスカロライナ大学(USC)は近くの工科大学で提供するプログラム(同地域の特定の上級学校に学生を送ったりすること)に数千人の未来の学生を持っています。コロンビアキャンパスの専門大学院は経営、工学、法学、医学、薬学科を持っています。


  • 英語の実力を向上させるために大学に条件付きで入学を希望する大学生、大学院生は、外国人のための英語のプログラムを通して申請しなければいけません。大学への条件付きの入学は、全ての学科に該当されます。しかし、大学院への条件付の入学は、特定の分野のみ該当されます。


  • 授業フォーカス :
    授業目標 :

    カリキュラム :

    授業時間 :


授業 規模 12 Students 授業 期間 9, 18, 27 Weeks
授業 レベル 6 ビザの情報 申請によりI-20を発行
年齢制限 17 宿泊オプション キャンパス内寮/宿泊, キャンパス外宿泊施設


  • 特に無し


2025-01-03 2024-10-16 2024-08-19 2024-05-15
※ 次の開始日に合わせて 9, 18, 27週(月)期間を指定することができます。



学校登錄費 (USD)$ 125
学 費
9 Week 18 Week 27 Week Week Week
(USD)$ 2,000 (USD)$ 4,000 (USD)$ 6,000
Week Week Week Week Week


日程 ホームステイ キャンパス内寮/宿泊 キャンパス外宿泊施設
9 weeks (USD)$ 1325


その他 (USD)$ 150    詳細


  • *日程と料金は予告無しに改定される場合があります。予めご了承下さい。

Course information

  • Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Fine Arts - Art Studio
    International Direct - Bachelor of Social Work
    $35,158.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Social Work
    $36,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Social Work
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Sociology
    $35,158.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Biological Sciences
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Sociology
    $36,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Biological Sciences
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Sociology
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Biological Sciences
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Sociology
    $35,158.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Engineering - Biomedical Engineering
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Sociology
    $36,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Engineering - Biomedical Engineering
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Sociology
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Engineering - Biomedical Engineering
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Spanish
    $35,158.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Journalism & Mass Communications - Broadcast Journalism
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Spanish
    $36,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Journalism & Mass Communications - Broadcast Journalism
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Spanish
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Journalism & Mass Communications - Broadcast Journalism
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Sport and Entertainment Management
    $35,158.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Business Economics
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Sport and Entertainment Management
    $36,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Business Economics
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Sport and Entertainment Management
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Business Economics
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Statistics
    $35,158.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Cardiovascular Technology
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Statistics
    $36,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Cardiovascular Technology
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Statistics
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Cardiovascular Technology
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Theatre
    $35,158.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Engineering - Chemical Engineering
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Theatre
    $36,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Engineering - Chemical Engineering
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Theatre
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Engineering - Chemical Engineering
    International Direct - Bachelor of Music - Music Theory
    $35,158.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Chemistry
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Music - Music Theory
    $36,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Chemistry
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Music - Music Theory
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Chemistry
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Tourism Management
    $35,158.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Chinese Studies
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Tourism Management
    $36,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Chinese Studies
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Tourism Management
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Chinese Studies
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Journalism & Mass Communications - Visual Communications
    $35,158.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Engineering - Civil Engineering
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Journalism & Mass Communications - Visual Communications
    $36,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Engineering - Civil Engineering
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Journalism & Mass Communications - Visual Communications
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Engineering - Civil Engineering
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Women's and Gender Studies
    $35,158.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Classics
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Women's and Gender Studies
    $36,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Classics
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Women's and Gender Studies
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Classics
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Comparative Literature
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Comparative Literature
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Comparative Literature
    International Direct - Bachelor of Music - Composition
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Music - Composition
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Music - Composition
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Engineering - Computer Engineering
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Engineering - Computer Engineering
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Engineering - Computer Engineering
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Computer Information Systems
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Computer Information Systems
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Computer Information Systems
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Computer Science
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Computer Science
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Computer Science
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Criminology and Criminal Justice
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Criminology and Criminal Justices
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Criminology and Criminal Justice
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Dance
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Dance
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Dance
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Early Childhood Education
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Early Childhood Education
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Early Childhood Education
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Economics
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Economics
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Economics
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Economics
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Economics
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Economics
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Engineering - Electrical Engineering
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Engineering - Electrical Engineering
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Engineering - Electrical Engineering
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Elementary Education
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Elementary Education
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Elementary Education
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Engineering - Undecided
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Engineering - Undecided
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Engineering - Undecided
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Aerospace Engineering
    $35,158.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - English
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Aerospace Engineering
    $36,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - English
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Aerospace Engineering
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - English
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Operations & Supply Chain
    $35,158.00 USD
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Environmental Science
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Operations & Supply Chain
    $36,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Environmental Science
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Operations & Supply Chain
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Environmental Science
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Environmental Studies
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Environmental Studies
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Environmental Studies
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Exercise Science
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Exercise Science
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Exercise Science
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Experimental Psychology
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Experimental Psychology
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Experimental Psychology
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Experimental Psychology
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Experimental Psychology
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Experimental Psychology
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Film and Media Studies
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Film and Media Studies
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Film and Media Studies
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Finance
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Finance
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Finance
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - French
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - French
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - French
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Geography
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Geography
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Geography
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Geography
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Geography
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Geography
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Geological Sciences
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Geological Sciences
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Geological Sciences
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Geophysics
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Geophysics
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Geophysics
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - German
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - German
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - German
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Global Studies
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Global Studies
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Global Studies
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - History
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - History
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - History
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Hospitality Management
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Hospitality Management
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Hospitality Management
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Information Science
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Information Science
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Information Science
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Integrated Information Technology
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Integrated Information Technology
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Integrated Information Technology
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Interdisciplinary Studies - College of Arts and Sciences
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Interdisciplinary Studies - College of Arts and Sciences
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Interdisciplinary Studies - College of Arts and Sciences
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Interdisciplinary Studies - College of Arts and Sciences
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Interdisciplinary Studies - College of Arts and Sciences
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Interdisciplinary Studies - College of Arts and Sciences
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Interdisciplinary Studies - College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Interdisciplinary Studies - College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Interdisciplinary Studies - College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - International Business
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - International Business
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - International Business
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - International Studies
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - International Studies
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - International Studies
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Journalism & Mass Communications - Journalism
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Journalism & Mass Communications - Journalism
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Journalism & Mass Communications - Journalism
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Management
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Management
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Management
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Management Science
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Management Science
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Management Science
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Marine Science
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Marine Science
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Marine Science
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Marketing
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Marketing
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Business Administration - Marketing
    International Direct - Bachelor of Arts - Mass Communication
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Mass Communication
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Arts - Mass Communication
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Mathematics
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Mathematics
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Mathematics
    International Direct - Bachelor of Science - Engineering - Mechanical Engineering
    $35,158.00 USD
    Academic Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Engineering - Mechanical Engineering
    $36,158.00 USD
    Extended Accelerator - Bachelor of Science - Engineering - Mechanical Engineering


    授業 期間 52 Weeks 宿泊オプション キャンパス内寮/宿泊, キャンパス外宿泊施設


    • Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
      Min GPA: 77.0% Convert grades
      English Proficiency Requirements:
      For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
      Min TOEFL iBT: 77 (Min Reading: 18.0, Min Writing: 18.0, Min Listening: 18.0, Min Speaking: 18.0)
      Min IELTS overall: 6.5 (Min Reading: 6.0, Min Writing: 6.0, Min Listening: 6.0, Min Speaking: 6.0)
      Min Duolingo English Test Score: 115
      This program does NOT offer conditional admission


    2025-01-13 2024-08-22
    ※ 次の開始日に合わせて 52週(月)期間を指定することができます。



    学 費
    52 Week Week Week Week Week
    (USD)$ 40,977
    Week Week Week Week Week


    日程 ホームステイ キャンパス内寮/宿泊 キャンパス外宿泊施設




    • *日程と料金は予告無しに改定される場合があります。予めご了承下さい。

    Course information

    • Direct Master's Accelerator - Master of Engineering - Aerospace Engineering
      Advanced Master's Accelerator + Master of Engineering - Aerospace Engineering
      $34,730.00 USD
      Direct Master's Accelerator - Master of Engineering - Biomedical Engineering
      Advanced Master's Accelerator + Master of Engineering - Biomedical Engineering
      $34,730.00 USD
      Direct Master's Accelerator - Master of Engineering - Chemical Engineering
      Advanced Master's Accelerator + Master of Engineering - Chemical Engineering
      $34,730.00 USD
      Direct Master's Accelerator - Master of Engineering - Civil Engineering
      Advanced Master's Accelerator + Master of Engineering - Civil Engineering
      $34,730.00 USD
      Direct Master's Accelerator - Master of Engineering - Electrical Engineering
      Advanced Master's Accelerator + Master of Engineering - Electrical Engineering
      $34,730.00 USD
      Direct Master's Accelerator - Master of International Hospitality and Tourism Management
      $31,063.00 USD
      Advanced Master's Accelerator + Master of International Hospitality and Tourism Management
      $30,976.00 USD
      Master's Accelerator + Master of International Hospitality and Tourism Management
      $30,206.00 USD
      Direct Master's Accelerator - Master of Engineering - Mechanical Engineering
      Advanced Master's Accelerator + Master of Engineering - Mechanical Engineering
      $34,730.00 USD
      Direct Master's Accelerator - Master of Sport and Entertainment Management
      $31,063.00 USD
      Advanced Master's Accelerator + Master of Sport and Entertainment Management
      $30,976.00 USD
      Master's Accelerator + Master of Sport and Entertainment Management
      $30,206.00 USD
      Direct Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurial Engineering
      $32,166.00 USD
      Advanced Master's Accelerator + Master of Science - Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurial Engineering
      $31,949.00 USD
      Direct Master's Accelerator - Master of Arts - Criminology and Criminal Justice
      Advanced Master's Accelerator + Master of Arts - Criminology and Criminal Justice
      $34,730.00 USD
      Direct Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - Environmental Health Sciences
      Advanced Master's Accelerator + Master of Science - Environmental Health Sciences
      $34,730.00 USD
      Direct Master's Accelerator - Master of Science - Exercise Science
      Advanced Master's Accelerator + Master of Science - Exercise Science
      $34,730.00 USD


    授業 期間 52 Weeks 宿泊オプション キャンパス内寮/宿泊, キャンパス外宿泊施設


    • Minimum Level of Education Required: 4-Year Bachelor's Degree
      Min GPA: 77.0% Convert grades
      English Proficiency Requirements:
      For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
      Min TOEFL iBT: 77 (Min Reading: 18.0, Min Writing: 18.0, Min Listening: 18.0, Min Speaking: 18.0)
      Min IELTS overall: 6.5 (Min Reading: 6.0, Min Writing: 6.0, Min Listening: 6.0, Min Speaking: 6.0)
      Min Duolingo English Test Score: 115
      This program does NOT offer conditional admission
      Other test requirements: GRE Test required
      Min GRE requirement: (Min Verbal & Quantitative combined: 305.0, Min Verbal: 150.0, Min Quantitative: 153.0, Min Writing: 3.0)


    2025-01-13 2024-08-22
    ※ 次の開始日に合わせて 52週(月)期間を指定することができます。



    学 費
    52 Week Week Week Week Week
    (USD)$ 32,196
    Week Week Week Week Week


    日程 ホームステイ キャンパス内寮/宿泊 キャンパス外宿泊施設




    • *日程と料金は予告無しに改定される場合があります。予めご了承下さい。

位 置


  • サウスカロライナ大学の外国人のためのキャンパス内の寮、校内アパート(クリフアパート):


  • コロンビアは、アメリカのウスカロライナ州の中心であり州の中で最も大きい都市です。人口は、2010年の人口調査によると、129,272人です。都市は州の中で最も大きく、767,598の大都市の中心地です。コロンビアという名前は、クリストファー・コロンブスから由来された南北アメリカの詩的な用語です。都市は、コンゴリ川を形成するためにコロンビアで一つになるサルダ川とブロード川、二つの川の合流地点に位置しています。


  • バスケットボールコート、カフェテリア、パソコン室、ジム、言語技術センター、図書館、音楽練習室、休養公園、スナックバー、サッカー場、プール、テニスコート、車椅子が入ることができる施設


  • 学生の国籍は、アジア(57%)、南アメリカ(25%)、ヨーロッパ(7%)、そして他の国の人を含んでいます。比率は、毎月変わります。



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Q: 想請問如果我去念語言學校,是可以保證住宿呢? 還有就是我想問有哪些類型的住宿房間?? A:您好,感謝您的來信詢問。關於住宿的部分,有提供三種住宿型態。 校園內住宿公寓:靠近學校,靈活的租賃,一學期或多個學期的合同,很多學生住在附近 校外住房:長期租賃,通常是一年的合同,很多選擇公寓,別墅,或複合式公寓,學生通常住在南加州大學的克里夫酒店式公寓。 公寓內設有一間臥室和一間浴室,給兩個學生,或兩間臥室和一間浴室給四名學生每間臥室兩張。廚房設施包括爐灶和冰箱。這些公寓包含所有水電費用,本地電話服務,互聯網連接網路連接和有線電視服務。


1 学校評価 0件
  • 授業の質

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  • 学校の雰囲気

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  • スタッフの親切度

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  • 野外活動

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  • 授業の質

  • 評価 (5)
  • 学校の雰囲気

  • 評価 (5)
  • スタッフの親切度

  • 評価 (5)
  • 野外活動

  • 評価 (5)
  • 宿泊施設

  • 評価 (4)

  • 評価 (4.8)

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