

国で選ぶ カナダ

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University of Waterloo

Renison English Language Centre
ピクチャー お問い合わせ

School Info


  • 定員(在学生数)
  • 空港ピックアップ
  • 連絡番号
  • (+1) 519-884-4404, ext. 28692
  • Fax
  • (+1) 519-884-5135
  • 所在地
  • Room 1930 240 Westmount Road N., Waterloo, ON


  • 都市部
  • ホームステイ
  • キャンパス内寮/宿泊
  • キャンパス外宿泊施設
  • 大学プログラム


  • - カナダで最も革新的な大学、ウォータールー大学
    - 35カ国から1000人以上の学生
    - 40年以上の経験

 Renison English Language Centre について

  • Renison English Language Institute(Renison ELI)は、ウォータールー大学のRenison University Collegeに所在し、英語での読解、筆記、聞き取り、および会話を上達させるための、第二言語(ESL)プログラムとして、さまざまな英語を提供しています。 40年以上の経験と高質なESLプログラミングを成功させてきたRenison ELIは、毎年35カ国から1000名以上の学生を受け入れ、目標を達成しています。 
    *世界中から生涯にわたる友情を築き、多様な地域社会、 Renison University Language School(Renison ELI)は、1970年以来、第二言語(ESL)プログラムとして質の高い英語を提供しています。毎年1000人以上の学生をRenison University Collegeに歓迎しています。カナダの最も革新的な大学で、21年間連続してランキングされたUniversity of Waterlooの公式ESL提供者であること。さらに、35カ国から1000人以上の学生が、単位制もしくは無単位制プログラムのコースに登録しています。 40年以上の経験を持つTEST認定インストラクター指導します。


  • 22年連続で、University of Waterlooは、Macleanのカナダ大学の評判調査で最も革新的な大学に選ばれました。
    - カナダトップ50大学の調査
    * 100以上の学術プログラムに35,100人のフルタイム学生とパートタイム学生
    - Renison University Collegeは、University of Waterlooにある4つの関連カレッジの1つです。 uWaterlooキャンパスに位置するRenisonは、ワーテルロー大学の学生数の中で、小さなコミュニティです。これは、大規模な大学で学生生活を経験しながら英語を勉強するのに最適な環境を作り出します。

    * ELIコースでは、1クラスにつき20人の生徒しかいません。
    * 35以上の国からの学生がいる多様な教室
    * TESL認定を受け、17歳以上の学生に英語を教える経験豊富なインストラクター。生活や学習をサポートする優れた施設 - Renisonの最先端のテクノロジーを活用して、 2つのグループスタディルーム、30のプライベートスタディースペース、コンピュータワークステーションを備えた4,300平方フィートの図書館


  • 授業フォーカス :
    カナダで最も革新的な大学であるウォータールー大学で学術的な勉強をしながら、英語を学びましょう。Renison ELOのEngllish Language Centreは、カナダの大学やカレッジでの成功をするために、大学編入のために最も高品質な英語の授業を提供しています。

    授業目標 : 

    カリキュラム : 
    English for Academic Success(EFAS)はlow intermediate(レベル100)からadvanced(レベル400)までの4つのレベルで提供される14週間の集中英語プログラムです。EFASレベル400は、世界の英語力の基準でCommon European Framework of Reference for Languages(CEFR)のレベルC1目安です。


    *ウォータールー大学とWillfrid Laurier大学の英語が必要スコア満たす
    * TESLで認証された専門講師たち
    *ウォータールー大学Renison English Language Instituteの言語の資格授与証


授業 規模 12 Students 授業 期間 12 Weeks
授業 レベル 4 ビザの情報 入学許可書発給
年齢制限 17 宿泊オプション ホームステイ, キャンパス内寮/宿泊, キャンパス外宿泊施設


  • 特に無し


2025-01-06 2024-09-02 2024-05-06
※ 次の開始日に合わせて 12週(月)期間を指定することができます。



学校登錄費 (CAD)$ 300
学 費
12 Week Week Week Week Week
(CAD)$ 4,200
Week Week Week Week Week


日程 ホームステイ キャンパス内寮/宿泊 キャンパス外宿泊施設
32 weeks (CAD)$ 10300




  • *日程と料金は予告無しに改定される場合があります。予めご了承下さい。

Course information

  • Bachelor of Mathematics
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Mathematics Teaching (Co-op)
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Fine Arts - Studio Practice
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Pure Mathematics
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Statistics
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Biostatistics
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Chartered Professional Accountancy (Co-op)
    $38,200.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Financial Analysis and Risk Management
    Double Degree - Bachelor of Business Administration & Bachelor of Computer Science (Co-op)
    $54,500.00 CAD
    Double Degree  Bachelor of Business Administration & Bachelor of Mathematics (Co-op)
    $39,600.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Life Sciences
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Biochemistry
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Biology
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Biomedical Sciences
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Chemistry
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Life Physics
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Environmental Science
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Earth Sciences
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Physics and Astronomy
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Physics
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Medicinal Chemistry (Co-op)
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Materials and Nanosciences
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Science and Aviation
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Psychology
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Environmental Studies - Geography and Aviation
    $35,400.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Environmental Studies - Geography and Environmental Management
    $35,400.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Environmental Studies - Environment and Business (Co-op)
    $35,400.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Environmental Studies - Planning (Co-op)
    $35,400.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Economics
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - English - Literature
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - History
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Legal Studies
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Music
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Philosophy
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Political Science
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Psychology
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Social Development Studies
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Sociology
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Speech Communication
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Theatre and Performance
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Fine Arts - Visual Culture
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Fine Arts - Visual Culture (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Fine Arts - Visual Culture
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Fine Arts - Visual Culture (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - English - Literature and Rhetoric
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - English - Rhetoric, Media, and Professional Communication
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - English - Literature and Rhetoric
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - English - Rhetoric, Media, and Professional Communication
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - English - Literature and Rhetoric (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - English - Rhetoric, Media, and Professional Communication (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - English - Literature and Rhetoric (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - English - Rhetoric, Media, and Professional Communication (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Environmental Studies - International Development
    $35,400.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Classical Studies
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Knowledge Integration
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Medieval Studies
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Peace and Conflict Studies
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Religious Studies
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Sexuality, Marriage and Family Studies
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Gender and Social Justice
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - French
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - German
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Anthropology
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Architectural Engineering (Co-op)
    $57,462.00 CAD
    $304.25 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Spanish
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Anthropology
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Classical Studies
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Economics
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - English - Literature
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Fine Arts - Studio Practice
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Anthropology (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - French
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Classical Studies (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Gender and Social Justice
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Economics (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - German
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - English - Literature (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - History
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Fine Arts - Studio Practice (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Legal Studies
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - French (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Medieval Studies
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Gender and Social Justice (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Music
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - German (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Peace and Conflict Studies
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - History (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Philosophy
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Legal Studies (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Political Science
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Medieval Studies (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Psychology
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Music (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Religious Studies
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Peace and Conflict Studies (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Sexuality, Marriage and Family Studies
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Philosophy (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Social Development Studies
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Political Science (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Sociology
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Psychology (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Spanish
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Religious Studies (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Speech Communication
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Sexuality, Marriage and Family Studies (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Theatre and Performance
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Social Development Studies (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Data Science
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Sociology (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Spanish (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Speech Communication (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts - Theatre and Performance (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Anthropology (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Classical Studies (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Economics (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - English - Literature (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Fine Arts - Studio Practice (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - French (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Gender and Social Justice (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - German (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - History (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Legal Studies (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Medieval Studies (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Music (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Peace and Conflict Studies (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Philosophy (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Political Science (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Psychology (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Religious Studies (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Sexuality, Marriage and Family Studies (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Social Development Studies (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Sociology (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Spanish (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Speech Communication (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business - Theatre and Performance (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Recreation and Leisure Studies (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Recreation and Sport Business (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Therapeutic Recreation (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Tourism Development (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Computer Science (Co-op)
    $54,500.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Science and Business (Co-op)
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Physics (Co-op)
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Physics and Astronomy (Co-op)
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Psychology (Co-op)
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Kinesiology (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Life Physics (Co-op)
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Life Sciences (Co-op)
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Materials and Nanosciences (Co-op)
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Chemistry (Co-op)
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Earth Sciences (Co-op)
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Environment, Resources and Sustainability (Co-op)
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Environmental Science (Co-op)
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Health Studies (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Environmental Studies - Geography and Environmental Management (Co-op)
    $35,400.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Environmental Studies - Geomatics (Co-op)
    $35,400.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Actuarial Science (Co-op)
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Applied Mathematics (Co-op)
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Biostatistics (Co-op)
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Business Administration (Co-op)
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Combinatorics and Optimization (Co-op)
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Computational Mathematics (Co-op)
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Data Science (Co-op)
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Financial Analysis and Risk Management (Co-op)
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Information Technology Management (Co-op)
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Mathematical Economics (Co-op)
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Mathematical Finance (Co-op)
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Mathematical Optimization (Co-op)
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Mathematical Physics (Co-op)
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Pure Mathematics (Co-op)
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Statistics (Co-op)
    Bachelor of Mathematics (Co-op)
    Bachelor of Public Health (Co-op)
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Biochemistry (Co-op)
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Biology (Co-op)
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Health Studies
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Kinesiology
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Public Health
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Recreation and Leisure Studies
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Recreation and Sport Business
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Therapeutic Recreation
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Arts - Tourism Development
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Architectural Studies - Architecture (Co-op)
    $51,600.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Biomedical Engineering (Co-op)
    $57,462.00 CAD
    $304.25 CAD
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Chemical Engineering (Co-op)
    $57,462.00 CAD
    $304.25 CAD
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Computer Engineering (Co-op)
    $57,462.00 CAD
    $304.25 CAD
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Electrical Engineering (Co-op)
    $57,462.00 CAD
    $304.25 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Environment, Resources and Sustainability
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Environmental Engineering (Co-op)
    $57,462.00 CAD
    $304.25 CAD
    Bachelor of Environmental Studies - Geomatics
    $35,400.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Global Business and Digital Arts
    $38,800.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Software Engineering (Co-op)
    $57,462.00 CAD
    $304.25 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Science and Business
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Mechanical Engineering (Co-op)
    $57,462.00 CAD
    $304.25 CAD
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Management Engineering (Co-op)
    $57,462.00 CAD
    $304.25 CAD
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Geological Engineering (Co-op)
    $57,462.00 CAD
    $304.25 CAD
    Bachelor of Science - Honours Science
    $36,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Mechatronics Engineering (Co-op)
    $57,462.00 CAD
    $304.25 CAD
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Business Administration
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Systems Design Engineering (Co-op)
    $57,462.00 CAD
    $304.25 CAD
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Civil Engineering (Co-op)
    $57,462.00 CAD
    $304.25 CAD
    Bachelor of Applied Science - Nanotechnology Engineering (Co-op)
    $57,462.00 CAD
    $304.25 CAD
    Bachelor of Computer Science
    $54,500.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Actuarial Science
    Bachelor of Arts - Honours Arts and Business
    $35,300.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Applied Mathematics
    Bachelor of Accounting and Financial Management (Co-op)
    $35,400.00 CAD
    $304.25 CAD
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Combinatorics and Optimization
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Computational Mathematics
    Bachelor of Computing and Financial Management (Co-op)
    $39,700.00 CAD
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Information Technology Management
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Mathematical Economics
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Mathematical Finance
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Mathematical Optimization
    Bachelor of Mathematics - Mathematical Physics


授業 期間 52 Weeks 宿泊オプション ホームステイ, キャンパス内寮/宿泊, キャンパス外宿泊施設


  • Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 90.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 64
    Min IELTS overall: 5.5
    This program does NOT offer conditional admission


2025-01-06 2024-09-02 2024-05-06
※ 次の開始日に合わせて 52週(月)期間を指定することができます。



学校登錄費 (CAD)$ 251
学 費
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(CAD)$ 37,900
Week Week Week Week Week


日程 ホームステイ キャンパス内寮/宿泊 キャンパス外宿泊施設




  • *日程と料金は予告無しに改定される場合があります。予めご了承下さい。

Course information

  • Master of Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology


授業 期間 52 Weeks 宿泊オプション ホームステイ, キャンパス内寮/宿泊, キャンパス外宿泊施設


  • Minimum Level of Education Required: 4-Year Bachelor's Degree
    Min GPA: 80.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 90 (Min Writing: 25.0, Min Speaking: 25.0)
    Min IELTS overall: 7 (Min Reading: 6.0, Min Writing: 6.5, Min Listening: 6.0, Min Speaking: 6.5)
    This program does NOT offer conditional admission


2025-01-06 2024-09-02 2024-05-06
※ 次の開始日に合わせて 52週(月)期間を指定することができます。



学校登錄費 (CAD)$ 125
学 費
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(CAD)$ 58,680
Week Week Week Week Week


日程 ホームステイ キャンパス内寮/宿泊 キャンパス外宿泊施設




  • *日程と料金は予告無しに改定される場合があります。予めご了承下さい。

位 置


  • ウォータールーの宿泊施設を探しているReniso ELIの学生のために、さまざまな宿泊施設があります。

    * TVとゲームテーブルのある学生ラウンジ

    Off-Campus housing



  • カナダのオンタリオ州はカナダで最も人口の多い州で、カナダに住む人口の40%が住んでいます。生徒は都会と田舎のライフスタイルが完璧に調和した多文化地域の豊かなダイバー州で学ぶことができます。ワーテルロー市は、カナダのテクノロジートライアングルの中心にあり、トロントから西に100km(1時間)、ウォータールー地域に533,700人が住んでいます。
    * 3年連続でトップ3にランクイン


  • チャペル、寮、図書館、カフェテリア、学生部、研究グループ、コンピュータルーム、学生ラウンジなど


  • 英語を練習し改善するための最良の方法は、参加することです! ウォータールー大学とRenison University Collegeには、数多くのクラブ、団体、グループ、イベントがあります。 私たちは常に、募集、開発、同窓会のイベントで私たちのプログラムや施設を紹介していて、学生を募集しています。 ボランティアリストにサインアップし、今後の機会についてお知らせください。 過去のボランティアとして、プロモーションパンフレットやオンライン作品の写真撮影、英語でのビデオプロフィール、またはRenison ELIでのあなたの経験に基づき、母国語で将来の学生のために教育情報をシェア、母国でRenison ELI Student Ambassadorになる、キャンパス内およびワーテルロー地方でのコミュニティサービス活動



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  • 授業の質

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  • 学校の雰囲気

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  • スタッフの親切度

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  • 野外活動

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  • 宿泊施設

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