

国で選ぶ オーストラリア

reviews (4.9)


Flinders University

Intensive English Language Institute
ディスカウント ピクチャー お問い合わせ

School Info


  • 定員(在学生数)
  • 255人
  • 空港ピックアップ
  • あり
  • 連絡番号
  • +61 8 8201 5084
  • Fax
  • +61 8 8201 5086
  • 所在地
  • IELI, Flinders University, GPO Box 2100, Adelaide, SA 5001, AUSTRALIA


  • 校外
  • ホームステイ
  • キャンパス外宿泊施設
  • 大学プログラム


  • - 専門的でフレンドリーな職員と講師陣
    - 大学キャンパス内に位置
    - 大学内の施設を利用可能

 Intensive English Language Institute について

  • フリンダース大学(Flinders University)の、付属の英語学校であるELI(Intensive English Language Institute)は、総6段階の英語レベルで運営しています。最初の4段階までは、いくつかの状況から読み書き能力と会話時の理解、意思表現をする能力を学びます。Advancedレベルの5~6段階では、一般英語過程、またはビジネス英語過程、大学進学準備過程などと同じアカデミック過程を勉強することができます。フリンダース大学キャンパス内のSturt ビルにあるIELIは、英語センターと一緒にフリンダース大学の看護学部、教育学部が入っています。講義室の向かいには、学生達が簡単に休息を取れる空間があり、昼食やコーヒーを飲む場所として使用され、学生達の為の情報掲示板はシェアー情報、ホームステイ情報、生活用品販売等、学生間の情報の共有場所として活用されています。同じ建物の2階には、Sturt図書館があり、図書館はフリンダース大学の学生達と一緒に使用しています。図書館入館時カバンを持って入ることができ、各種本や映像資料、インターネットを使用できます。ただし、フリンダース学生やIELI学生の場合だけ、インターネット、映像資料、本の貸与が可能で、プリント、複写サービスも学生カードの臨時使用カードを購入すれば使用することができます。学校の売店は、講義室の外にあり、ブッフェのようにセルフで食事をとり、金額を支払う食堂もあります。学校はおおむね静かに勉強できるよう雰囲気が調整されていて、大学内に位置した英語学校の長点らしく、付帯施設の利用が容易です。 IELI最上の英語教育と可能なサービスを学生達に提供する為に、一助となっています。フリンダース大学の疎通を通して良いサービスと良いプログラムを学生たちに提供しようと思います。フリンダース大学は、学生達がいる間、学生達の便利の為に最大限の努力をします。学生達と疎通し、悩みを聞こうと思います。フリンダース大学は全ての学生達の期待に答えたいと思い、学校の政策と授業についての詳しい説明をしています。また、学生達が他国の文化と教育環境に適応できるよう最善を尽くして手助けしたいと思います。


  • 南オーストラリアのフリンダース大学は1966年に設立されました。現代的で、革新的な本大学は、学習と研究の完璧な国際的名声をあげています。フリンダース大学は、「使用が簡単」そして「学生の為の大学」として描写されています。学生たちは、気楽な雰囲気と社交的で親切な職員と一緒に、満足的で美しいキャンパス内で勉強を楽しむことができます。180ヘクタールのキャンパスは、まるで都市全体が見下ろせるような美しい公園に位置しています。キャンパスは安全と郊外地域から都市と海岸、山などに近く、便利な定期バスサービスなどの利点が集まっています。フリンダース大学は、Independent Magazineから発表された12 BEST BUYSの中の一つに選定されていて、多文化的な研究と情報技術、石油地質学、そして海洋科学を含めた最高の大学研究を持っています。


  • 全ての新入生は、クラスを確認する為に、初日に試験を受けることになります。EAPまたはEBIS過程の6段階を成功的に終了した学生は、IELTSまたはTOEFL試験無しにフリンダース大学に登録することができます。


  • 授業フォーカス : 


    集中英語アカデミー(IELI)のカリキュラムは、学生が語学を学ぶ各々の基礎から、他の技術領域応用することが必要だと信じています。学生は開始段階から日常的な意思疎通の為に聴き、話すことに集中します。中間レベルは、話すことと聴くことの状況だけでなく、流暢に読み書きができるように集中して学びます。高度水準のレベルはビジネス、学術的な目的の為に必要な具体的な言語だけでなく、発表して書き取る意思疎通の正確性と難しさに焦点を置いています。全ての新入生は、セッションの初日に試験を受けます。試験結果によって、学生は各々の能力によって、会話、そして読解と書き取りクラスの配置がされます。例えば、一人の学生がレベル2の読解と書き取り、レベル2の会話、そしてレベル3の聞き取りになることがあります。このような配置で学生は、各技術領域によってその進行程度により学習します。学生の領域部分で向上させようと、各々の細部的な領域から激しくなる練習過程を含めた選択科目は常に提供されています。カリキュラムからスキルを身につけることで、学生が多様な言語を習う戦力が提供され、仕事をするにあたって戦略を習うのに助けとなるでしょう。個別、そしてグループ戦略は、学生が過程を完遂した後にも引き続き学んでいけるようになっています。聞取りクラスから、学生が自身の学習の為にテープ、ビデオ、言語研究施設をしようできる手段を紹介されます。語彙習得と会話練習の為に追加的な戦略は、学生の為に提示されます。グループ学習は、活動的に奨励されます。読解と書き取りの場合、学生は流暢さと自由読解の規則的習慣、ジャーナル書き取りを通して語彙を育成することができる方法を学び、トピック領域の読解と「topic grids」づくりを通して単語と文章構成の向上をさせます。


    本過程は大学進学希望の英語を勉強しようとする学生の為にありますが、オーストラリアの大学に限りません。学生はフリンダース大学トピックで先に選抜されたテスト中のひとつを登録するだけでなく、毎週10時間から12時間の英語勉強をすることになります。学生はフリンダースでその過程の為に移動可能な信用を受けることです。TOEFL 530(コンピューター基盤の点数は197)または、IELTS 5.5(書き取りで最小5.5)点をもつ学生は随時本過程に入ることができます。学生は必ず大学の一学期にあわせるために、大学の一学期(2月に終わるか7月に終わる)の開始に本過程に必ず入らなければなりません。

    ビジネスとIT研究の為の英語 (一般英語レベル6+)

    この過程は大学で健康分野と関連した分野(看護学、衛生学など)を勉強したい学生の為の新しい学問的経路です。健康と関連した学術的な講義、ドキュメンタリー映像、インタビュー、専門的な相互適用モデル、書信、記事文、教材ケース研究などを本過程でコンテンツとして取り扱っています。学生は健康構築から要約、エッセイ、リポート研究、聴解と筆記、読解能力、規格された発表とと専門的な相互適用を学びます。健康科目はIELIレベル6から可能で、次の段階にあがることができます。学生は本過程の初日に、IELI英語確認書を要求されます。万一学生がレベル6のテストを受けることができなければ、学生は一般英語(レベル1-3)を学習して、大学英語(レベル4-5)、そして健康分野(レベル6+)を勉強しなければなりません。健康分野のカリキュラムは、もう一つの看護学として転換する講義の為に IELTS 6.5レベルを要求する学生を助ける為に制作されています。

    健康の為の英語+ OET予習
    本過程はオーストラリアで健康関連分野(OET試験の準備を含む)で勤務したい学生の為の新しい過程です。本過程は、IELIレベル6を要求され、次の段階にあがることができます。しかし先の学位があったり、オーストラリアで勤務経験がある学生は、本過程の初日の IELI 英語試験通過のが必要なく、最近  IELTS結果が6点以下がない6.5点を加えて健康+ OETコースの認定を受けることができます。健康+ OET過程で部分過程を受けている学生は、学生ビザの要求を受けなくなって、確認をしていません。


授業 規模 12 Students 授業 期間 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 50 Weeks
授業 レベル 6 レベル ビザの情報 入学許可書発給
宿泊オプション ホームステイ, キャンパス外宿泊施設


  • 特に無し


2025-01-27 2025-01-20 2025-01-13 2025-01-06
2024-12-30 2024-12-23 2024-12-16 2024-12-09
2024-12-02 2024-11-25 2024-11-18 2024-11-11
2024-11-04 2024-10-28 2024-10-21 2024-10-14
2024-10-07 2024-09-30 2024-09-23 2024-09-16
2024-09-09 2024-09-02 2024-08-26 2024-08-19
2024-08-12 2024-08-05 2024-07-29 2024-07-22
2024-07-15 2024-07-08 2024-07-01 2024-06-24
2024-06-17 2024-06-10 2024-06-03 2024-05-27
2024-05-20 2024-05-13 2024-05-06 2024-04-29
※ 次の開始日に合わせて 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 50週(月)期間を指定することができます。



学校登錄費 (AUD)$ 250
学 費
5 Week 10 Week 15 Week 20 Week 25 Week
(AUD)$ 2,000 (AUD)$ 4,000 (AUD)$ 6,000 (AUD)$ 8,000 (AUD)$ 10,000
30 Week 35 Week 40 Week 45 Week Week
(AUD)$ 12,000 (AUD)$ 14,000 (AUD)$ 16,000 (AUD)$ 18,000


宿泊申請料 (AUD)$ 110
日程 ホームステイ キャンパス内寮/宿泊 キャンパス外宿泊施設
Weekly (AUD)$ 250


その他 (AUD)$ 124    詳細


  • *日程と料金は予告無しに改定される場合があります。予めご了承下さい。


  • 授業フォーカス:

    Flinders University、University of South Australia、Carneigie Mellon University、TAFESA、International College of Hotel Management、Kaplan Business School、Bradfor College、UCL Adelaide(Resource Management)の学校と協力しており、このプログラムを修了した学生は別の英語認定試験を受けずに上に記載された大学に入学することができます。



授業 期間 5, 10, 15, 18, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 Weeks ビザの情報 入学許可書発給
宿泊オプション ホームステイ, キャンパス外宿泊施設


  • 特に無し


2025-01-27 2025-01-20 2025-01-13 2025-01-06
2024-12-30 2024-12-23 2024-12-16 2024-12-09
2024-12-02 2024-11-25 2024-11-18 2024-11-11
2024-11-04 2024-10-28 2024-10-21 2024-10-14
2024-10-07 2024-09-30 2024-09-23 2024-09-16
2024-09-09 2024-09-02 2024-08-26 2024-08-19
2024-08-12 2024-08-05 2024-07-29 2024-07-22
2024-07-15 2024-07-08 2024-07-01 2024-06-24
2024-06-17 2024-06-10 2024-06-03 2024-05-27
2024-05-20 2024-05-13 2024-05-06 2024-04-29
※ 次の開始日に合わせて 5, 10, 15, 18, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50週(月)期間を指定することができます。



学校登錄費 (AUD)$ 200
学 費
5 Week 10 Week 15 Week 20 Week 25 Week
(AUD)$ 2,050 (AUD)$ 4,100 (AUD)$ 6,150 (AUD)$ 8,200 (AUD)$ 10,250
30 Week 35 Week 40 Week 45 Week 50 Week
(AUD)$ 12,300 (AUD)$ 14,350 (AUD)$ 16,400 (AUD)$ 18,450 (AUD)$ 20,500


宿泊申請料 (AUD)$ 110
日程 ホームステイ キャンパス内寮/宿泊 キャンパス外宿泊施設
Weekly (AUD)$ 250


その他 (AUD)$ 124    詳細


  • *日程と料金は予告無しに改定される場合があります。予めご了承下さい。

Course information

  • Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Biotechnology
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Chemical Sciences
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Coasts and Oceans
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Energy and Advanced Materials
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Environmental Science
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Forensic and Analytical Science
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Geography
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Hydrology
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Marine Biology and Aquaculture
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Marine Biology
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Molecular Bioscience
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Nanotechnology
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Physics
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science - Hydrology
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science - Marine Biology and Aquaculture
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science - Marine Biology
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science - Molecular Bioscience
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science - Nanotechnology
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science + Master of Teaching - Secondary
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Social Work
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Speech Pathology
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Sports, Health and Physical Activity
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Theology
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Applied Geographical Information Systems
    TUITION FEE$36,700.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Archaeology
    TUITION FEE$36,867.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Arts
    TUITION FEE$35,933.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Arts - Enhanced Program for High Achievers
    TUITION FEE$34,866.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Arts and Science
    TUITION FEE$36,867.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Arts + Master of Teaching - Early Childhood
    TUITION FEE$35,033.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Arts + Master of Teaching - Primary R-7
    TUITION FEE$35,033.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Arts + Master of Teaching - Secondary
    TUITION FEE$35,033.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Behavioural Science - Psychology
    TUITION FEE$35,867.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Business
    TUITION FEE$35,933.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Business - Innovation and Enterprise
    TUITION FEE$35,933.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Business - Human Resource Management
    TUITION FEE$35,933.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Business - Advanced Leadership
    TUITION FEE$35,933.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Business - International Business
    TUITION FEE$35,933.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Business - Management
    TUITION FEE$35,933.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Business - Marketing
    TUITION FEE$35,933.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Clinical Sciences + Doctor of Medicine
    TUITION FEE$35,933.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Commerce
    TUITION FEE$35,933.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Communication and Professional Writing
    TUITION FEE$36,700.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Computer Science
    TUITION FEE$36,700.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours)
    TUITION FEE$36,700.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Creative Arts - Creative Writing
    TUITION FEE$34,867.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Creative Arts - Drama
    TUITION FEE$34,867.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Creative Arts - Screen
    TUITION FEE$34,867.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Criminology
    TUITION FEE$34,867.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Design and Technology Innovation
    TUITION FEE$36,867.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Disability and Developmental Education
    TUITION FEE$37,533.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Education - Early Childhood and Special Education + Bachelor of Disability Studies
    TUITION FEE$35,033.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Education - Early Childhood + Bachelor of Arts
    TUITION FEE$35,033.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Education - Primary R-7 + Bachelor of Arts
    TUITION FEE$35,033.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Education - Primary R-7 + Bachelor of General Science
    TUITION FEE$35,033.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Education - Secondary + Bachelor of Arts
    TUITION FEE$35,033.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Education - Secondary + Bachelor of Health Sciences
    TUITION FEE$35,033.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Education - Secondary + Bachelor of Languages
    TUITION FEE$35,033.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Education - Secondary + Bachelor of Science
    TUITION FEE$35,033.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Education - Secondary + Bachelor of Special Education
    TUITION FEE$35,033.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Engineering - Biomedical (Honours)
    TUITION FEE$37,700.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Engineering - Biomedical (Honours) + Master of Engineering - Biomedical
    TUITION FEE$37,700.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Engineering - Civil (Honours)
    TUITION FEE$37,700.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Engineering - Computer and Network Systems (Honours)
    TUITION FEE$37,700.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Engineering - Electrical (Honours)
    TUITION FEE$37,700.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Engineering - Electronics (Honours)
    TUITION FEE$37,700.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Flexible Entry
    TUITION FEE$37,700.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Engineering - Maritime (Honours)
    TUITION FEE$37,700.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Engineering - Mechanical (Honours)
    TUITION FEE$37,700.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Engineering - Mechanical (Honours) + Master of Engineering - Biomedical
    TUITION FEE$37,700.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Engineering - Robotics (Honours)
    TUITION FEE$37,700.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Engineering - Robotics (Honours) + Master of Engineering - Electronics
    TUITION FEE$37,700.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Engineering - Software (Honours)
    TUITION FEE$37,700.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Engineering Science
    TUITION FEE$37,700.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Exercise Science
    TUITION FEE$37,533.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of General Science + Master of Teaching - Primary R-7
    TUITION FEE$35,033.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Health Sciences
    TUITION FEE$37,533.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Human Nutrition
    TUITION FEE$37,366.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Information Technology
    TUITION FEE$36,700.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Information Technology - Digital Health Systems (Honours)
    TUITION FEE$36,700.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Information Technology - Digital Media
    TUITION FEE$36,700.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Information Technology - Digital Media (Honours)
    TUITION FEE$36,700.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours)
    TUITION FEE$36,700.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Information Technology - Network and Cybersecurity Systems
    TUITION FEE$36,700.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Information Technology - Network and Cybersecurity Systems (Honours)
    TUITION FEE$36,700.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of International Relations and Political Science
    TUITION FEE$34,867.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Languages
    TUITION FEE$34,867.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Languages + Master of Teaching -Secondary
    TUITION FEE$35,033.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Law and Society
    TUITION FEE$34,867.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice
    TUITION FEE$36,533.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice (Honours)
    TUITION FEE$36,533.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences
    TUITION FEE$36,867.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (Honours)
    TUITION FEE$36,867.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Media Arts
    TUITION FEE$36,867.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Medical Sciences
    TUITION FEE$37,567.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Midwifery (Pre-Registration)
    TUITION FEE$37,100.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics
    TUITION FEE$37,367.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Paramedic Science
    TUITION FEE$37,033.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Psychological Science
    TUITION FEE$35,866.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science
    TUITION FEE$36,866.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science - Physics
    TUITION FEE$36,866.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science - Animal Behaviour
    TUITION FEE$36,866.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science - Biodiversity and Conservation
    TUITION FEE$36,866.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science - Biotechnology
    TUITION FEE$36,866.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science - Chemical Sciences
    TUITION FEE$36,866.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science - Coasts and Oceans
    TUITION FEE$36,866.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science - Energy and Advanced Materials
    TUITION FEE$36,866.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science - Environmental Science
    TUITION FEE$36,866.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science - Forensic and Analytical Science
    TUITION FEE$36,866.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Applied Geographical Information Systems
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science - Geography
    TUITION FEE$36,866.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Archaeology
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Enhanced Program for High Achievers
    TUITION FEE$36,866.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Arts
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Animal Behaviour
    TUITION FEE$36,866.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Arts - Enhanced Program for High Achievers
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Biotechnology
    TUITION FEE$36,866.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Arts and Science
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Chemical Sciences
    TUITION FEE$36,866.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Arts + Master of Teaching - Early Childhood
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Chemical Sciences + Master of Engineering - Materials
    TUITION FEE$36,866.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Coasts and Oceans
    TUITION FEE$36,866.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Energy and Advanced Materials
    TUITION FEE$36,866.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Environmental Science
    TUITION FEE$36,866.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Forensic and Analytical Science
    TUITION FEE$36,866.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Geography
    TUITION FEE$36,866.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Hydrology
    TUITION FEE$36,866.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Marine Biology and Aquaculture
    TUITION FEE$36,866.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Marine Biology
    TUITION FEE$36,866.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Molecular Bioscience
    TUITION FEE$36,866.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Nanotechnology
    TUITION FEE$36,866.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Physics
    TUITION FEE$36,866.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science - Hydrology
    TUITION FEE$36,866.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science - Marine Biology and Aquaculture
    TUITION FEE$36,866.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science - Marine Biology
    TUITION FEE$36,866.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science - Molecular Bioscience
    TUITION FEE$36,866.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science - Nanotechnology
    TUITION FEE$36,866.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science + Master of Teaching - Secondary
    TUITION FEE$36,866.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Social Work
    TUITION FEE$34,700.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Speech Pathology
    TUITION FEE$37,533.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Sports, Health and Physical Activity
    TUITION FEE$34,767.00 AUD
    Foundation Standard (2 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Theology
    TUITION FEE$34,367.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Arts + Master of Teaching - Primary R-7
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Arts + Master of Teaching - Secondary
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Behavioural Science - Psychology
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Business
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Business - Innovation and Enterprise
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Business - Human Resource Management
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Business - Advanced Leadership
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Business - International Business
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Business - Management
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Business - Marketing
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Clinical Sciences + Doctor of Medicine
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Commerce
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Communication and Professional Writing
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Computer Science
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours)
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Information Technology
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Creative Arts - Creative Writing
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Information Technology - Digital Health Systems (Honours)
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Information Technology - Digital Media
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Creative Arts - Drama
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Information Technology - Digital Media (Honours)
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours)
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Creative Arts - Screen
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Information Technology - Network and Cybersecurity Systems
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Criminology
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD
    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Information Technology - Network and Cybersecurity Systems (Honours)
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00


授業 期間 52 Weeks 宿泊オプション ホームステイ, キャンパス外宿泊施設


  • 2 Trimesters
    Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 50.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 59 (Min Writing: 22.0)
    Min IELTS overall: 5.5 (Min Reading: 5.5, Min Writing: 5.5, Min Listening: 5.5, Min Speaking: 5.5)
    Min PTE overall: 46 (Min Writing: 46)
    This program does NOT offer conditional admission

    3 Trimesters
    Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 50.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 45 (Min Writing: 21.0)
    Min IELTS overall: 5 (Min Reading: 5.0, Min Writing: 5.0, Min Listening: 5.0, Min Speaking: 5.0)
    Min PTE overall: 42 (Min Writing: 42)
    This program does NOT offer conditional admission


※ 次の開始日に合わせて 52週(月)期間を指定することができます。



学 費
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(AUD)$ 33,500
Week Week Week Week Week


日程 ホームステイ キャンパス内寮/宿泊 キャンパス外宿泊施設




  • *日程と料金は予告無しに改定される場合があります。予めご了承下さい。

Course information

  • College Diploma - Business (2 Trimesters) (09748G)
    TUITION FEE$24,700.00 AUD

    College Diploma - Business (3 Trimesters) (097408G)
    TUITION FEE$27,700.00 AUD

    College Diploma - Engineering (2 Trimesters) (097409F)
    TUITION FEE$28,500.00 AUD

    College Diploma - Engineering (3 Trimesters) (097409F)
    TUITION FEE$31,500.00 AUD

    College Diploma - Health Services (2 Trimesters) (097410B)
    TUITION FEE$29,700.00 AUD

    College Diploma - Health Services (3 Trimesters) (097410B)
    TUITION FEE$32,700.00 AUD


授業 期間 52 Weeks 宿泊オプション ホームステイ, キャンパス外宿泊施設


  • (2 Trimesters)
    Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 50.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 68 (Min Writing: 22.0)
    Min IELTS overall: 6 (Min Reading: 5.5, Min Writing: 5.5, Min Listening: 5.5, Min Speaking: 5.5)
    Min PTE overall: 50 (Min Writing: 46)
    This program does NOT offer conditional admission

    3 Trimesters
    Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 50.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 59 (Min Writing: 21.0)
    Min IELTS overall: 5.5 (Min Reading: 5.0, Min Writing: 5.0, Min Listening: 5.0, Min Speaking: 5.0)
    Min PTE overall: 46 (Min Writing: 42)
    This program does NOT offer conditional admission


※ 次の開始日に合わせて 52週(月)期間を指定することができます。



学 費
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(AUD)$ 24,700
Week Week Week Week Week


日程 ホームステイ キャンパス内寮/宿泊 キャンパス外宿泊施設




  • *日程と料金は予告無しに改定される場合があります。予めご了承下さい。

Course information

  • Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Chemical Sciences + Master of Engineering - Materials
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD

    Pre-Masters Business - Standard
    TUITION FEE$19,600.00 AUD

    Pre-Masters Business - Accelerated
    TUITION FEE$10,600.00 AUD

    Pre-Master’s Business Program (2 Trimesters) + Master of Accounting
    TUITION FEE$32,366.00 AUD

    Pre-Master’s Business Program (2 Trimesters) + Master of Accounting and Finance
    TUITION FEE$32,366.00 AUD

    Pre-Master’s Business Program (2 Trimesters) + Master of Accounting and Marketing
    TUITION FEE$32,366.00 AUD

    Pre-Master’s Business Program (2 Trimesters) + Master of Business (Finance)
    TUITION FEE$32,366.00 AUD

    Pre-Master’s Business Program (2 Trimesters) + Master of Business (Human Resource Management)
    TUITION FEE$32,366.00 AUD

    Pre-Master’s Business Program (2 Trimesters) + Master of Business (International Business)
    TUITION FEE$32,366.00 AUD

    Pre-Master’s Business Program (2 Trimesters) + Master of Business (Marketing)
    TUITION FEE$32,366.00 AUD

    Pre-Master's Business Program (Accelerated) (1 Trimester) + Master of Accounting
    TUITION FEE$36,133.00 AUD

    Pre-Master's Business Program (Accelerated) (1 Trimester) + Master of Accounting and Finance
    TUITION FEE$36,133.00 AUD

    Pre-Master's Business Program (Accelerated) (1 Trimester) + Master of Accounting and Marketing
    TUITION FEE$36,133.00 AUD

    Pre-Master's Business Program (Accelerated) (1 Trimester) + Master of Business (Finance)
    TUITION FEE$36,133.00 AUD

    Pre-Master's Business Program (Accelerated) (1 Trimester) + Master of Business (Human Resource Management)
    TUITION FEE$36,133.00 AUD

    Pre-Master's Business Program (Accelerated) (1 Trimester) + Master of Business (International Business)
    TUITION FEE$36,133.00 AUD

    Pre-Master's Business Program (Accelerated) (1 Trimester) + Master of Business (Marketing)
    TUITION FEE$36,133.00 AUD

    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Languages + Master of Teaching -Secondary
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD

    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Engineering - Biomedical (Honours) + Master of Engineering - Biomedical
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD

    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Engineering - Mechanical (Honours) + Master of Engineering - Biomedical
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD

    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Engineering - Robotics (Honours) + Master of Engineering - Electronics
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD

    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of Engineering - Software (Honours)
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD

    Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters) + Bachelor of General Science + Master of Teaching - Primary R-7
    TUITION FEE$33,500.00 AUD


授業 期間 52 Weeks 宿泊オプション ホームステイ, キャンパス外宿泊施設


  • Foundation Extended (3 Trimesters)
    Minimum Level of Education Required: Grade 12 / High School
    Min GPA: 50.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 45 (Min Writing: 21.0)
    Min IELTS overall: 5 (Min Reading: 5.0, Min Writing: 5.0, Min Listening: 5.0, Min Speaking: 5.0)
    Min PTE overall: 42 (Min Writing: 42)
    This program does NOT offer conditional admission

    (Accelerated) (1 Trimester)
    Minimum Level of Education Required: 3-Year Bachelor's Degree
    Min GPA: 50.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 68 (Min Writing: 22.0)
    Min IELTS overall: 6 (Min Reading: 5.5, Min Writing: 5.5, Min Listening: 5.5, Min Speaking: 5.5)
    Min PTE overall: 50 (Min Writing: 46)
    This program does NOT offer conditional admission

    Minimum Level of Education Required: 3-Year Bachelor's Degree
    Min GPA: 50.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 59 (Min Writing: 21.0)
    Min IELTS overall: 5.5 (Min Reading: 5.0, Min Writing: 5.0, Min Listening: 5.0, Min Speaking: 5.0)
    Min PTE overall: 46 (Min Writing: 42)
    This program does NOT offer conditional admission

    Pre-Master (2 Trimesters)
    Minimum Level of Education Required: 3-Year Bachelor's Degree
    Min GPA: 50.0% Convert grades
    English Proficiency Requirements:
    For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
    Min TOEFL iBT: 59 (Min Writing: 21.0)
    Min IELTS overall: 5.5 (Min Reading: 5.0, Min Writing: 5.0, Min Listening: 5.0, Min Speaking: 5.0)
    Min PTE overall: 46 (Min Writing: 42)
    This program does NOT offer conditional admission


※ 次の開始日に合わせて 52週(月)期間を指定することができます。



学 費
52 Week Week Week Week Week
(AUD)$ 20,290
Week Week Week Week Week


日程 ホームステイ キャンパス内寮/宿泊 キャンパス外宿泊施設




  • *日程と料金は予告無しに改定される場合があります。予めご了承下さい。

位 置


  • IELI ホームステイプログラム:



  • アデレードは、住むのに完璧な場所です。エンターテイメントやショッピングをできる核心都市ではありながら、雰囲気はとても親和的で安全な場所です。交通は学生達が都心とオーストラリアの有名な海岸やオープン競技場を簡単に楽しめるようになっています。更にアデレードでの学習は、経済的にもとても素晴らしい価値を提供しています。アデレードはオーストラリア内で最も安い生活費で生活できる場所の内のひとつです。


  • フリンダース大学は、学生カフェテリア、コーヒーショップ、本屋、旅行社、洗濯室、ジム、語学研究所の施設を持っていて、IELIの学生はキャンパスのいくつかの施設を利用することができ、キャンパスのコンサート、及び余暇に参加することができます。


  • 1週間 - 都市ツアー/博物館/美術館
    2週間 - ローラースケート
    3週間 - アデレードの丘散策
    4週 - テニストーナメント
    5週 – 送別パーティー


Image 2016-03-03 14:00:19


Q: 想請問關於這所學校的語言中心的介紹??? 因為有聽過這所學校但是不太清楚所以想請問一下相關資訊~~~ A: 您好,感謝您的詢問,關於福林德斯大學語言中心的問題,在此為您做個詳細的介紹唷。是一所現代化不斷進取的大學,擁有卓越教學和研究的國際聲譽。弗林德斯通常被描述為貼近使用者,或學生的大學。學生們享受設備齊全,美麗的校園,輕鬆的氛圍和友好,樂於助人的員工。公頃的校園位於美麗的環境,俯瞰全城,校園與安全相結合,郊區位置的優勢與城市中常規的公共汽車服務,海灘和群山的便利,弗林德斯由獨立雜誌評為十二個最合算和優秀大學的指南之一。


2 学校評価 0件
  • 授業の質

  • 評価 (5)
  • 学校の雰囲気

  • 評価 (5)
  • スタッフの親切度

  • 評価 (5)
  • 野外活動

  • 評価 (4.5)
  • 宿泊施設

  • 評価 (5)

  • Review (4.9)

IELI 어학연수 후기입니다.
  • 授業の質

  • 評価 (5)
  • 学校の雰囲気

  • 評価 (5)
  • スタッフの親切度

  • 評価 (5)
  • 野外活動

  • 評価 (5)
  • 宿泊施設

  • 評価 (5)

  • 評価 (5)

Image 2014-01-06 16:58:35


I took a year of IELI in Flinders University in Australia. IELI is highly recommended for those who only want to focus on English. IELI a year course has a mandatory class hour of 22, optional class of 3 hours, and there is a class 5 days a week. You get to take class in English, and for each section, you must take a level test and be replaced. I was quite good at reading and writing, so I got level 3, but I was weak in the listening. It was really efficient to have classes divided for each level. Teachers recommend an effective studying style, and measure students’ abilities thoroughly. I was really worried about listening, and the teachers there helped me carefully. After a year, I was even good enough to understand daily news on the television. The school is really big and beautiful. It gives you an impression of ‘wow! I get to study in a place like this?’. Furthermore, where I stayed had relatively low inflation. The city itself is also safe and feels comfortable. The school also provides many after school activities, such as sports, travelling, sightseeing etc. My English improved a lot and my attitudes changed positively too. I highly recommend Flinders University in Australia. 


  저는 플린더스대학 내 영어아카데미(IELI)에서 1년 코스를 마치고 온 학생입니다. IELI는 영어 공부만이 목적인 어학연수를 희망하는 학생들에게는 정말 좋은 곳이라고 생각해요. IELI 1년 코스는 필수과목22시간, 선택과목 3시간으로 구성되어있고, 수업은 5주 학기에요. 매일매일 영어수업을 듣게되고, 각 과목마다 레벨테스트를 치루고 실력에 맞는 반으로 배정되요. 저는 읽기나 쓰기는 레벨 3을 받았는데 듣기가 부족해서 2반으로 들어갔어요. 사람마다 부족한 부분이나 자신있는 부분이 다르기 때문에 과목별로 반을 배치하는 것은 정말 좋았어요. 그리고 각자의 실력을 선생님들이 측정하고 개선방법을 알려주기도 하고 학생의 성향에 맞는 공부방법을 제공해 주세요. 저는 듣기가 너무 약해서 걱정이었는데, 듣기 실력을 높히기 위해서 선생님들이 굉장히 애써주셨어요. 1년만에 저는 웬만한 tv뉴스를 알아들을정도로 영어 실력이 늘었어요. 학교에 대해서 말씀드리자면 학교는 정말 크고 멋있어요. 아 내가 이런곳에서 공부를 하다니..라는 생각이 계속 들정도에요. 애들레이드는 호주에서도 생활비가 가장 저렴하다고해요. 그리고 도시가 굉장히 조용하고 따뜻한 기분이 들어요. 그래서 살기에도 정말 좋구요. 학교에서는 여가활동도 많이 제공해주는데 스포츠활동도 많이 하게되고, 박물관이나 시내로 관광을 가기도해요. 이곳에 있으면서 영어실력도 늘었지만 마음에 여유가 많이 생긴 것 같아요. 미국이나 영국같은 국가도 좋지만 저는 호주, 플린더스대학 정말 추천드려요.



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Image 2016-03-03 15:14:13


除了澳洲福林德斯大學的課程規劃讓我體會到何謂優良的教學品質、以學生為本的教育之外,對於學校的行政作業系統與學生之間的維繫,我也見識而受惠了不少。澳洲為現代化的大國之一, 紙本作業在學校中被大量電子化。學校的線上作業平台提供學生一個更便捷、更快速的管道 來處理校務與學務。舉凡請假事宜或是專題報告,都可以藉由該作業平台得到妥善處理。如此一來,學生在與學校的互動中便減去了不必要的繁文縟節,而能更省時省力,有效率。
在澳洲的一年,除了體驗到四季顛倒的氣候外,也見識到澳洲人們是如何熱愛戶外活動運動,夏天時我與朋友們一行人總喜歡搭半小時公車到海邊去做日光浴、游泳、 打沙灘排球或是衝浪。

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